Food bank. Founded and sponsored by the Churches on-the-Hill, the Food Bank operates an Emergency Food Program, supplying groceries to households who have a place to live but whose income is often insufficient to make ends meet. This group of families facing regular but generally short-term hunger is our target population. We are not a free grocery store, but rather an emergency resource.
The Food Banks Community Information Centre qualifies new clients. It also does an in-depth assessment of clients non-food needs and assists them in accessing other support services in the community.
Clients can come for food between 6:00 and 8:00 pm on Mondays and between 10:30 am and 12:30 pm on Wednesdays. On Tuesdays and Thursdays volunteers are dedicated to receiving, repackaging, sorting, stocking and other aspects of operations management.
Our organization is 100% vlunteer staffed with some 125 individuals contributing their time and talent. No-one is compensated in any way.