
    Long & McQuade Musical Instruments
    Victoria, BC


    1.0 out of 5 stars, based on 7 ratings. 1 user review.
    Reviewed by 1 customer

    By from 2975
    (6 of 6 customers found this review helpful)
    Customer Review
    Upon moving in the albion north oaks apartments in ottawa it was like winning the lottery of affordability in this city. But thats where the good times end and holy crap begins. Why do they call it a service elevator if it doesn't actually go on service for you? I had to stand there and guard it and snap ppls heads off to not use it. That felt good cause I hated living there. And sweet jesus... take the stairs. You will die waiting for an elevator. Rent.... I paid my rent one week in advance every month. I hate tardiness. Well... they lost my rent payment. Decided NOT to call me and instead left a letter of eviction in my mailbox! I travel on the road alot and am able to check my mail once maybe twice a month. So you can guess how pissed off I was upon seeing an eviction letter the DAY BEFORE I WAS BEING EVICTED!! What BS! So I loved yelling at them and other expletives. Supers.... do not bother! Fix it yourself ppl. They are USELESS! FOUR times someone came in to fix a hinge on the cupboard door. What do they do? Lol lol simply put the screw back in the same hole! DUH I could have done that!! So I gave up and then was waiting 6 months(and then i moved so some other poor unlucky bugger has to deal with it now) to get it fixed again. USELESS!! Captain Potsmoker of the SS Dope ship lives there and smokes up every single day and night and afternoon. You will have a migraine every night and be throwing up as well. Lovely for children is it not? Medicinal my ass. Pools disgusting. If you want to contract a disease.. by all means dive right on in there! Ppl throwing garbage off balconies.. really? How old are you? Grow up or move back to where you came from. What a way to care about the country you are currently living in. And yes major GHETTO! Stay inside and do not venture out unless you want to get knifed. Dont bother with half the light switches and outlets in your apartment.. they are there for decoration. Don't rent from here! i wanted to give NO stars but that was not an option.
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