  • Construction Rene Voyer

    1.0  1 review
    284 Rue Renoir,
    Dollard-des-Ormeaux QC, H9A 3K2
    ~ 3 employees work at this location
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    Spirol Industries Limited
    Windsor, ON


    1.0 out of 5 stars, based on 2 ratings. 1 user review.
    Reviewed by 1 customer

    By from Laval
    (1 of 1 customers found this review helpful)
    The illegal logix project being built by Voyer has been a cancer in our neighborhood since the construction began. Our summers have been filled with dust clouds and noise pollution. They have no regard for the houses around the project, most of which have been present since the 1980's. We have had to call the police a number of times for many reasons ranging from choking dust to destruction of property. More than half the fences on the block were destroyed and had to be repaired by Laval taxpayers money through the City of Laval and we had to beg the city to have them use water trucks. Our backyard is now in plain view of a 15 story condo building so saying that our privacy has affected is an understatement. We spoke to some of the engineers working and even they could not comprehend how the city gave authorization to build such a project overlooking our backyards in such a violating manner. Pour les 2 dernières années notre cours est devenue un chantier de construction. Voyer continue à détruire la tranquillité de notre voisinage et réduit la qualité de vie pour tous les résidents. Ce projet a été autoriser de façon illégal par le maire corrompu de Laval pour la raison que voyer est associer à un des membres de la famille vaillancourt. J'espère de tout mon cœur que la commission Charbonneau vous investigue pour corruption et vous oblige de démolir cette monstruosité illégal que vous avez mis en place.
    No, I would NOT recommend this business to a friend
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