Holmes House...like a desert oasis, Holmes House provides sanctuary and hope in an area rampant with drug and alcohol abuse. Somehow, they make their facility provide both detox services as well as 30 day live in program. Both of which are above excellent. It is the staff however, not the facility, that makes Holmes House the beacon of light that it is. Providing the best services in addiction recovery that you will find anywhere. The Holmes House staff are knowledgeable, patient and non-judgmental. They are the best in the business without exception. You will be welcomed there repeatedly; never will you exhaust the perseverance of these people. After repeated visits to Holmes House and almost 4 decades of both drug and alcohol abuse they gave me a good solid foundation for my recovery, no doubt saving my life. Not enough can be said about Holmes House and the good people who work there. "All great Journey's begin with a single step"...you cannot make a better first step than Holmes House! Thank You.
Brian Schroeder