ATM. It is not wise to bring large amount of cash anywhere. The reason behind this is that you cannot easily trust people these days. There are a lot of thieves lurking in the corner and with the number of people roaming the streets every day, you could no longer identify who among them are normal civilians or who among them are thieves waiting to snatch whatever valuable possession you are carrying with you. That is why it is really advised that instead of bringing cash, you could opt to bring your credit card or ATM card. A number of banks has installed their atm machines in different places that you could easily have access to money whenever you need it. JMS Atms Inc. understands the situation that their clients are faced so they make sure that it has installed bank machines where it is accessible to many people. In fact, to name a few, JMS Atms Inc. has Toronto ATM machines and ATM Ontario. So those who are in Toronto and Ontario no longer have to run to banks to withdraw money. JMS Atms Inc. has certainly figured things out for their clients.