Addictions and Mental Health Services - Hastings Prince Edward is a community-based agency providing a range of client-centred services and supports throughout Hastings and Prince Edward Counties ...more
Samantha is a intuitive tarot professional. She is a recognized member of both the American Tarot Association and the Canadian Psychic's Association. She dedicates her time and energy to help ...more
Mental Health and Addiction Services: Nimkee NupiGawagan offers residential treatment services for Indigenous Youth, ages 12 to 17, who suffer from solvent abuse. The program runs three intakes ...more
Three Story Clinic offers mental health services for children, youth and families across the Lower Mainland. Online appointments are also available. Email to set up ...more
Canadian Mental Health Association, Newfoundland and Labrador Division, offers workplace mental health training, certification sessions for Mental Health First Aid, Applied Suicide Intervention ...more
For information about Kinark's services and supports for children and youth with complex needs, call Central Intake at 1-888-454-6275. In Peterborough, Kinark provides Child and Youth Mental ...more
Greater Vancouver's first and only fully-dedicated Light Therapy Clinic for Healing and Pain Relief --- at the cellular level. Hundreds of conditions effectively treated without drugs. Completely ...more